I wanted to demostrate the 2-line Automatic pens and how you could letter with acrylic ink and then paint over it. I didn't get the drama in the watercolour wash I was hoping for, darn it! (but I was after delicate colour - can you have delicate and drama - oh, ya, but not today.... smile!)
For this project I used
- #9 2-line Automatic Pen
- Magic Color Cobalt Blue
- Arches HP Watercolour block
- Pigma Pen Black 08
- Gesso Brush
- French Ultramarine Blue (FUB)
- Rose Madder Genuine
I really enjoy a 2-line pen - the Automatic pens come in several sizes of 2-line. I also carry the Scroll marker here. It sure makes you pay attention to your pen angle!
I lettered Home with the Automatic pen using the Cobalt Blue Magic Color ink and allowed it to dry. Acrylic ink dried waterproof which is fun because you can do a watercolour wash over top and the lettering won't budge. (I don't like acrylic ink for small formal lettering though, I've never been able to get good hairlines with it)
I used the Pigma Pen to letter the rest of the quote. The Pigma ink is also waterproof when dry.
I mixed up little watercolour puddles in my palette (I love the Robert E Woods palette and use it exclusively for painting). When I began painting, I took a workshop, but then I learned *a lot* from pouring over Jeanne Dobie's Making Watercolour Sing. I used a wide Gesso Brush and slopped, yes, pretty much slopped, the water onto the watercolour paper (which I didn't have to worry about stretching and buckling because it's a block). I wanted a delicate colour mixing, so I had to water down that strong FUB quite a bit.
Tip the watercolour block to allow the paints to mix before they dry. Magic!
Very nice. I'll take your lettering any day. I might even steal a few of those flourishy lines for the project I'm working on. I need some pizzazz. And yes, I also love those scroll and automatic pen nibs. Fun