
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Behind the Design - Stamp Organizers

There isn't too much of a story behind these designs.  It was a case of necessity is the mother of invention!

Since all the new Quietfire rubber stamps are mounted with cling and foam cushion, my traditional method of storing the stamps just wasn't cutting it.  So I decided to design and cut something new!
Both these designs require the use of the Silhouette Cameo or other 12" electronic cutting machine as the unfolded box is quite large.

The smaller box, which you can find here on the Silhouette Design Store, perfectly holds the Quietfire single stamps on boards and the larger box is designed for the sets.  Each design comes with a little label for the front and includes dividers. 

It's kind of embarrassing how pleased I am with these boxes!  But it's great to have organization that works. And that looks cute, too!

Happy organizing!


  1. And organized person is a beautiful person...I think I love you. you might have to explain who I am and that I'm not some creepy stalker...oh, that's right, Rob calls me a "teacher stalker" and you were my never forget your first. All kidding aside, these are fabulous and you know how I love to organize. I'd do different boxes for different themes. I could have too much fun making these.
    suz, St. Albert, land of too much ice, that takes the life out of you to chip after two hours!

  2. Oh crap, I'm a creepy teacher stalker with bad grammar. Supposed to start with 'An' not 'and'.

    suz again, still in St. Albert, still too freaking much ice, snow and lack of mountains!
