
Friday, May 23, 2014

Papillon Monarch Circle in action!

Oh, my! The gardens are so exquisite here right now.  My husband brought these peonies in (and left the ants outside, I hope) and I had to do something with them!

This is the papillon monarch circle available on the Silhouette Online store this week.

 I just cut the circle (I slowed the cutting speed) using my Silhouette Cameo and lay the design on the table.  The single monarch has a Glue Dot to hold it onto the petal!  I can use both over and over.  It just doesn't get much more simple!

Thanks for having a look!  Hope you're having a sweet day!


  1. Lucky you to have such gorgeous blooms and a thoughtful man too! Say hello, from me!
    Those beautiful butterflies are the perfect addition to your bouquet!

  2. Oh the colors! the paper and the petals compliment each other perfectly!

  3. Gorgeous peonies...what a sweet hubby!

    Great idea to put the butterfly circle under the vase and the butterfly on the flowers, too! It looks lovely. :)
