
Friday, May 3, 2013

Shapes and Colours of the Southwest 2013

Although I spent quite a bit of time organizing this slideshow, Photobucket has a mind of its own....  Sorry!

Photos are from the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Monument Valley, Mesa Verde and the delightful sandstorm in New Mexico. It's hard to take photos in the Grand Canyon without the whole thing looking washed out and flat, so the best time of day is sunrise or sunset.  We had a *lot* of photos!  This is about 3% of the total.

You'll see in this collection a photo of Mother Nature's fingerprint kit - all my prints on the door of the car had been preserved by blowing sand!  There is one photo of me in four different States at the same time: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado!  How often do you get to do that? (not my best side, but not my worst either!)

The colours were fabulous.  Thanks to everyone who emailed suggestions.  It's obvious we needed two more weeks to see everything at a more leisurely pace.
Thanks for having a look!

If you'd like to see the photos bigger you can go watch on Photobucket:


  1. I simply loved your photos. 12 years ago and it seems like yesterday, I travelled around America. Flagstaff, Arizona and the surrounding area was our first stop and one of the most amazing memories that I will always carry with me.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Margaret. Toodyay, West Australia.

  2. Thanks for taking us on your trip...fabulous shots. No matter how often I go to the desert Southwest I am always in awe of the red rock and vastness of it all. Now you reminded me I need to go again:)

  3. The land formations and colours is "spellbinding" Suzanne.

  4. Francie in MotnrealMay 4, 2013 at 8:37 AM

    Phenomenal photos! The colours, the shapes and the way the light plays off them are truly beautiful.

  5. Like I've been right with ya! Anyone else want to take me somewhere?

  6. Wow! Stunning shots. What an experience. I loved the village in the cliff. Now when you talk about it, I can envision it. I thought at first it was just one house here and there but this is like a city. I could stay there photographing for two weeks I'm sure. And now I can imagine what day to day would have been like. BTW...any side is your best side. Love you.
