
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Love Lives Here - CardMaker Challenge

Over on the CardMaker Blog they had a challenge.  Here was the challenge!

Create a one-layer card with one sentiment, one image and one embellishment. You can add one piece of cardstock or patterned paper, as long as it doesn’t cover more than 25% of the front of your card. Set a timer and let me know how long it took you to create.

I was suppose to be doing something else, but....  I decided I needed to do this challenge instead!! In the interest of time, I only took the one photo!  This card took 19:09.1 minutes (before photographing) according to my phone stopwatch.  I had a couple of slowdowns....  stamping indiscretion... it was crooked, so I needed a new card.  *sigh*  (and I even used my stamp positioner!) I started with VersaMagic Sage ink and decide once I got the heart on the house that I would go with VersaFine Crimson.... which had been "mis-filed", so I lost a few more minutes. And this is how a 5 minute card takes 20 minutes!


Thanks for having a look!  Oh, and doing this blog post doubled the time  o_0
Hope love lives with you today!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh I love this card!! I had to smile at the end....concerning double the time with the posting of the card:)
