
Friday, June 8, 2012

Into the Unknown - Wheresoever You Go - for Mich

Excuse this digression....
When I left home and went off to school, it was a bus-ferry-bus/5hour trip home.  I came home lots of weekends and every summer till I graduated, and even then was only an hour drive from "home".  I think it was an easy transition for both me and my parents.

Today our youngest left to find work in Alberta.  He's headed for Edmonton, 1200km from here, in his 20 year old Volkswagen Corrado.  All week I've felt like I've been on a rollercoast headed for a cliff.  I rolled off that cliff this morning at 6 a.m.
Almost too late, I thought that maybe I should make him a card.  Of course this quote crossed my mind...
But I thought that might be a little heavy.  He was already nervous!  So I went for this:

Mich (pronounced Meesh - he's Michel Antoine - Daddy is French-Canadian) is a born button-poker and loves anything with wheels, so Tim Holtz came to the rescue for my card creation.  On the inside I wrote "And your TimCard" and gave him a pre-loaded (and re-loadable online by me, thanks Mom!) Tim Horton's gift card.

I haven't had a text or phone call yet (yeah, okay, I know, it's only been 7 hours!).  I guess that's a good sign.  1200km isn't very close.  Thank goodness there are direct flights from here to there.

Halloween 2011 - he's humouring me!
When I left home, I had a concrete set of plans till I finished school.  Although he has been promised a job when he gets there, he really is jumping into the unknown. I would never have done that and I applaud him.  He wants to get a job, make money and be able to put money on my TimCard! 

I celebrate Mich's uniqueness, his humour, his love for his friends, his ability to survive the deep difficulties school threw at him and his drive to succeed in spite of those difficulties.

Who knows?  He might be back in a month. He knows the door is always open.  Although his room may have shrunk considerably, as his brother is tweaking the floor plan for his move into Mich's much larger bedroom....

Mich turns 19 on July 1.  My Canada Day baby. 

Thanks for visiting! And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Card Synthesis
Quietfire's Wheresoever you go  I always think this is a wonderful quote for a graduation.
Quietfire's Bon Voyage from 10 Tiny Tag Sentiments
Tim Holtz Old Jalopy die
Tim Holtz embossing folder Rays
Spellbinders Lacey Pennants


  1. Oh my! My heart went back to my last when he left home, and I know how heavy it feels. Be thankful for the internet, skype, and tweets and text messages. It is so easy to stay in touch, but I know you will miss the hugs. Our sons know how to really hug a Mom and let her know how much she is loved. So until you hear from him, here is a cyberhug from me (((hug)))

  2. Oh Suzanne,
    When my first left home I thought I would die.
    Well, I'm still here.
    Holding you in the Light of the Great Mother-she is watching over us all.

  3. They never really leave, do they. What is is Kahlil Gibran says? You have to hold your child with open hands. Mothers and sons ... special!

    Hugs and feeling for you. xxx

  4. I have no idea how you're feeling since I have no kids... Well good for him he's taking the adventure. It's a great feeling and doing that a couple of times while you're young, makes you fearless as you get older.
    Love the card and the colors you used and the Tim's card inside - nice touch.
    He looks like you.

  5. When we are mother's we want our children to grow and become independent. When they do we succeeded but they take our hearts in their hands and forget to call us or even text. I totally feel your pain having been there twice. Your card is wonderful and love the old car.

  6. This is the same beautiful stamp I used years ago, Suzanne, when my daughter and her husband moved with their four children from Nova Scotia to Ottawa. To this day, that card is displayed in her home. Nineteen...seems so young...I admire his courage...and I, too, totally feel your pain...twice for me as well. Aaahhhh motherhood...
