
Sunday, April 15, 2012

You May Not Be Able - Honoring a Father

I wanted to share this with you and PJ said it was okay.  Below her lovely artwork is the story of how it came about.  Thank you PJ.  Pass the tissues!

Artwork by PJ Harrison
I "sent this one to my Mother to honor my Dad who passed away two Christmases ago. He was an incredibly wonderful father. He grew Zinnias every year for as long as I can remember and I followed in his footsteps when I left and started my own home. It was sort of a special bond between the two of us and when I saw your interpretation of those words, I knew exactly how I wanted to use it. "


  1. This is a wonderful creation and must have been so well received. I grow lily of the valley's each year because they were my nan's favourite flower. Thank you for sharing this lovely card xx

  2. Very touching sentiment and the story behind this wonderful card. What a wonderful inheritance P.J. has.
