
Sunday, February 5, 2012

CHA 2012 - Quietfire Style

I had no plans to make a video from my photos at CHA, but then somehow this just happened....  I think it helped me process the whole thing.  I'm still in recovery mode.

You can watch it here or on YouTube.  I hope you enjoy it!

If you watch it here, this is the little blurb:

Here are my very quick impressions of some things I saw at CHA. I took almost 100 photos on the floor and it wasn't nearly enough! (I didn't plan on making this video when I was there.)

The first part is a little two day vacation at Santa Monica and then on the CHA.

Why such fast music? It mirrors the event! Every time you turned around there was more eye candy. Amazing people, amazing displays, amazing talent.
A huge thanks to everyone who demonstrated their products for me, who put up with me taking their picture and who greeted me like a long lost friend!
See you next year!

P.S. You can stop the video any time if you need to see a photo for longer!


  1. fabulous. Don't have sound at work, so have no idea what music you're using...
    I kept stopping the video, wanting to see every pic for more than a sec.

  2. What fun, Suzanne! CHA must be exhausting .... so much to see and do. It's like being a kid let loose in a candy store! You'll be glad to be home and have time to reflect on all you experienced Wonderful memories, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. Amazing video Suzanne. Great artwork all around. I love the guitar music.

  4. That was GREAT! Super job Suzanne! Really enjoyed that. I would totally love to go to that one day.........
