
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Butterfly Blog Flutter Winners!

 to the winners of our Blog Flutter!  All were randomly chosen.  Winners, please contact me with your snailmail address at suzanne @ (take out the spaces!)

Once again, a huge round of applause to the designers who creative such beautiful pieces!

Artwork by Yogi Grunwald
Artwork by Wanda Hentges
Artwork by Robyn Josephs

Artwork by Monica Black
Artwork by Suzanne Cannon
And here are our winners.....

From Yogi's blog:
cindy  b.
Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. Beautiful!! 

From Suzanne's blog:
ktfabianWhat a wonderful and unique idea! The clock is beautiful and it's obvious, even without reading the directions, that you worked very hard on this project!

From Robyn's blog:
Fabulous projects - I love them both and will certainly try making a box or two, thanks

From Monica's Blog:
Stunning! What a lovely format to showcase the beautiful calligraphy. I love it!

From Wanda's Blog:
Absolutely gorgeous, as usual! You continue to amaze me with your artistic abilitiy to apply ink to stamp and to cardstock!

Once again, thanks to everyone for commenting - we love your comments!! 
Keep your eyes open for more opportunities to win with Quietfire Design.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Happy creating! Suzanne


  1. I'm absolutely delighted to have had my name drawn (from Robyn's post) and can't wait to rummage through a grab bag of rubber - what fun. I have dabbled with calligraphy in the past and love the look of Suzanne's stamps and appreciate the beauty of the work involved. Thanks so much.

  2. Forgot to's my birthday on Thursday so this is like an extra special pressy :)
