
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Meet the Artist -

I'm a little in shock.  I usually like to think of myself as like the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain making things look bigger than they are.... 
Thanks to Judi Kauffman for this amazing Meet the Artist article (when I grow up I want to write like you!) and to for publishing it!

A drawing student once asked me how she would know if something was art. I answered in a typical teacher fashion by saying she’d know it when she saw it. Suzanne Cannon’s rubber stamps are works of art. The first time I saw them I knew: Each letter, each curve, each tiny detail is evidence that a skilled human hand has created the calligraphy. This kind of artistry and mastery takes years of practice combined with a love of words. My instincts were confirmed when I called Suzanne in 2005 to interview her for a profile I'd been hired to write for a trade magazine. We became friends and finally met in person in January 2011.....
Read the whole article here
One of my card from the article

Or listen to the YouTube version here!
Thanks for reading!


  1. This is lovely~ Congratulations! Loved hearing the story.

  2. Oh Suzanne what a wonderful story ! I loved it and I am sure that it will be good for you and your great company to have this exposure too. Congrats on this article !

  3. wonderful story. We learn something new about you all the time. Hoping the exposure is great for sales.
