
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Inspiration from our Talented Customers!

Every once in a while, I get lucky enough to be sent photos of artwork which customers have created using the Quietfire rubber stamps.

This beauty is from Hellen E. in Australia.  Hellen doesn't have a blog, so I'm very happy she send this to me!

And from Carole At Carole's Soulfelt Creations (I had trouble viewing her blog using IE - but it's perfect with FireFox!)

but Carole says one of her favourites is here. I'm so glad I don't have to make a choice - they're all wonderful!

I've been meaning to share this one for a while. Jeneen is the Queen of ATCs and she created and gave me this adorable one. This is my little black fellow, who takes great interest in assisting with anything related to Waxed Linen thread.  I swear he can hear it coming off the spool from a dead sleep at the other end of the house. *sigh*  I think three wraps around the table is his current record.   Needless to say, he and Jeneen have a interesting relationship.....  He is one happy kitty when she visits!

Thank you all for sharing your work!
To Everyone:
Please let me know if you've uploaded something you have used Quietfire products on.  I'd love to share it!
You are also welcome to add your links to our Facebook Page, too!
Thanks for visiting, Suzanne


  1. nice stuff guys. glad you sent them to Suzanne

  2. fun to see what others are doing with QF stamps.
    Thanks all for sending them and keep them coming!
