
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Marker Pro Layout Paper Pad

Canson Marker Pro Layout Pad
When I was at the CHA convention in January, I waltzed over to the Canson booth to ask them about a particular product but then got sidetracked by their papers. 

After some discussion they offered to send me their Marker Pro Layout Pad to try because they didn't have any with them.  Well, it arrived as promised (thanks guys!) and, as usual, I was so busy it took me a while to try it out.

It was instant love.  This paper keeps beautiful crisp edges and hairlines and is translucent so you can see your liner through it, putting it above any good copy paper.  I haven't had it wrinkle yet. Neither have I had any bleed-through.  (But you know if you try hard enough, you can make anything happen!)  Y'all know I use Mitchell nibs and Higgins Infernal, er, Eternal ink, so I can tell you those tools and this paper are a match made in heaven.

Oh my, I just tried my Gillott 303 and Higgins and I love this paper even more!!  Sweet! Wow, great hairlines!

I think what agrees with me is the tooth this paper has. It's a smooth surface, but not slick.  I've read that there are 2 sides to this paper (okay, yes, there are always two sides!) and the "topside" is better.  I believe it was "marker people" noticing that.  I didn't find any noticable difference.

You can find the Canson Marker Pro Layout Pad on my site in the Paper>Calligraphy department!

Let me know what you think of it!
Happy lettering, Suzanne


And just to show you things don't always to as planned....  Here is my hissy fit when I started to date a certificate 2011. (this is NOT lettered on the Marker Pro Layout paper.  I wish!)  Hey, it was already ruined.....  I wonder where my mind was?


  1. thanks for the review.
    sounds worth checking out

  2. never tried it. Will have to check it out one day,..

    I really link you ink blots ROFL

  3. Even your hissy fits area beautiful. I never tire from seeing your calligraphy.

  4. i've been using the canson marker paper for about 6 months and agree 100% with Suzanne's review. love, Love, LOVE the paper's transperacy. using an online gridline generator, i created grid sheets in various colours and line weight and found that regular black lines show through the marker paper just fine. So far i found my Brause nibs work fine, but Parallel pens require a bit more control.
