
Monday, April 25, 2011

Winner of Now Show Us Yours

Thanks to everyone who has played in Now Show Us Yours!  It's been a pleasure to visit so many blogs.
And now the winner is:

Congratulations to Karen!
Karen paints lovely watercolours - you can some on her blog at
and her website has even more eye candy!
Since Karen is a painter, her prize is two tubes of Winsor Newton Watercolours valued at $20 plus the adorable Bokuchi "Palette/brushcleaner" valued at $15.87 for a total of approximate $36.

Karen, please email me with your snailmail address and your prize will be on its way!

Thanks again for playing and happy creating!


  1. congrats Karen.
    Great prize.
    thanks Suzanne for linking us to so many great new blogs.

  2. Congratulations Karen! I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful watercolours, especially the redwinged blackbird. Lovely!
    Thanks to Suzanne for the blog links and the chance to win a prize.
