
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The byhandartists 12 Days of Christmas 2010 - Day 1

This swap is so popular that there are 3 separate groups playing this year!  Unfortunately for me, I couldn't seem to put my hands on a basket for a photo of the stash before it was "necessary" to start opening the presents! 

So here is the lovely Day 1 gift from Linda T. in Alberta.  She has used the 12 Days of Christmas Rubber stamps!  I guess that's why she was asking me if I had a stamp that says "On the _ Day of Christmas my true love gave to me".  Ahem.  Quite the oversight on my part.  But in spite of my shortcomings, she made a really lovely book and OH MY! she had fun decorating the paper....  I wish I had been there playing along side her!

Thank you so much Linda!


  1. Thanks for posting for use in the other groups. this is so much fun!

  2. OK - I think she has a great idea. You should consider making a stamp that says "On the ___ day of Christmas, my true love gave to me" as well as a set of "First, Sencond, Third etc. This would make a great set of cards or pages in a scrapbook etc. Just a thought...

  3. beautiful and looks like a lot of work. I see she over came to oversight...
