
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When you wish upon a star

So I had this email a couple of months ago - an inquiry about my library cards. The email address was Really? Yes, indeed, it was from Disney Animation. For real. Why my library cards??? Well, they liked them.... So much so that they wanted 5,000. Well between me and the supplier we were jumping. The name Disney just has that effect on you. The supplier was not the manufacturer, so they I guess they had to go cut the trees...... Anyway, it all worked out. And I got paid today!

I was dying to know what they were going to do with the library cards - thinking they might appear in an upcoming production...
Alas. The cards are for their internal library. Burst my balloon! Who uses library cards any more???? Apparently Disney!
Now this is the same week I was emailed by L'oreal. They wanted 100 bottles of turquoise ink. Perhaps a new hair colour? I didn't have 100 bottles, so I never did find out what that was all about.

You just never know what is going to happen on the www.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What will Disney do with 5000 library cards? I really want to know. Cool, you finally got the money.

  2. Still very cool! I'm a little worried about the ink- I used their products!

  3. Yeah, a return address like DISNEY is enough to get anyone´s blood a pumpin` but Lòreal....can´t wait to see their future ad campaign and I will keep my eyes peeled for turquoise colored hair here in Germany!!

  4. What a HOOT!! But now you can say "I sold to DISNEY!!" Too cool!
