
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bitter and Sweet

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.

We spent all day yesterday doing yard work on my parents' half acre overlooking Cowichan Bay in preparation for selling it. A few years ago, my Dad had their huge (and rotting inside) maple tree cut down and hauled away. Years before, my Mom had placed a wooden birdhouse high on its trunk, out of reach of naughty kitties. We uncovered that birdhouse yesterday. It is still there, at the base of the stump, now a home to ivy....


  1. What a wonderful find! Maybe you can put it up in one of your trees at home now.

  2. I like the place it had now and with the ivy around...looks so save.

    (Although, as a geocacher I can tell you ivy = cobweb and much dust.)
