
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to Robyn Josephs

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Robyn Josephs as new mistress of the Tuesday Created byhand Challenge! Many thanks to all those who wrote in! Robyn has been a Quietfire Design follower for years and we're very pleased she is taking on this new challenge in the "family"!

Robyn is a multi media artist and spiritual nurturer with a current focus on fibers and paper and book arts. Growing up in a tribe of crafty women, Robyn was knitting and paper "de-crafting" before she could read. Using color, structure and texture Robyn enjoys helping others to discover their inner fiber nature. Robyn facilitates workshops and retreats on arts and spirituality and has been a resident artist at Pendle Hill and Open Connections. Her work is in many private collections. Robyn lives in Montreat, North Carolina and is thrilled to be a member of the Quietfire community.

You can see Robyn's new personal blog here:

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