
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blast from the Watercolour Past

I began a watercolour painting class last night with a fellow named Bill Kerr I was so desparate to get out of the house, I needed to do something! I hadn't looked at any of my serious painting stuff in years.....

I found Bill's weekly class by contacting Grant Fuller ( and you can see some more of his paintings here ) who was my very first painting instructor in Victoria and now resides in the Comox Valley, but is not teaching weekly classes (dang!).

But while I was looking through my stuff I came on a colour copy of this painting I did years ago and gave to my friend Aleda, who has horses.

This painting was from a class I took with Shelley Penner in Port Alberni (couldn't find a site for her) and she had us doing animals (not my favourite subject!). However I think the horses rear turned out not too badly. I seemed to have painted a lot of butt ends in that class. I must dig up one of the others....

I did such a crappy painting last night, but I had so much fun. I have to get back in the watercolour "groove". Think before you put that brush down!!

Don't forget I have lots of painting supplies on my site!


  1. Beautiful picture, Suzanne!!! I'm sure you'll get in the watercolor groove quickly :-)) I look forward to seeing your new pieces as you paint them.
