
Friday, May 16, 2008

Quicky Playtime Artwork

I needed something for the byhand Newsletter pronto, as I really wanted to publish it before we went away for the weekend! So it's not my most exquisite lettering..... sorry! You can see the newsletter here.

I wanted to demostrate the 2-line Automatic pens and how you could letter with acrylic ink and then paint over it. I didn't get the drama in the watercolour wash I was hoping for, darn it! (but I was after delicate colour - can you have delicate and drama - oh, ya, but not today.... smile!)

For this project I used

I really enjoy a 2-line pen - the Automatic pens come in several sizes of 2-line. I also carry the Scroll marker here. It sure makes you pay attention to your pen angle!

I lettered Home with the Automatic pen using the Cobalt Blue Magic Color ink and allowed it to dry. Acrylic ink dried waterproof which is fun because you can do a watercolour wash over top and the lettering won't budge. (I don't like acrylic ink for small formal lettering though, I've never been able to get good hairlines with it)

I used the Pigma Pen to letter the rest of the quote. The Pigma ink is also waterproof when dry.

I mixed up little watercolour puddles in my palette (I love the Robert E Woods palette and use it exclusively for painting). When I began painting, I took a workshop, but then I learned *a lot* from pouring over Jeanne Dobie's Making Watercolour Sing. I used a wide Gesso Brush and slopped, yes, pretty much slopped, the water onto the watercolour paper (which I didn't have to worry about stretching and buckling because it's a block). I wanted a delicate colour mixing, so I had to water down that strong FUB quite a bit.

Tip the watercolour block to allow the paints to mix before they dry. Magic!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Created byhand Tuesday Challenge - Fabric

Okay, so I'm cheating by using something old, but hey, I just dreamed up this challenge yesterday!

I had such a good time making this ATC. I think it just needs to be finished off around the edge with a blanket stitch..... One of these days.....
Happy creating! Suzanne

Monday, May 5, 2008

Created byhand Challenge - Charms

Here is my submission! I was suppose to go to my first ATC swap yesterday, but didn't quite make it (for a really wonderful reason, though!). The theme was marine things, so I made this atc and thought the charm was a teasing poke at fishermen who "embellish" the sizes of their catches! (There are a lot of fishing types in this part of the world!)
This atc is done on Tyvek using Magic Colour Acrylic ink to colour the background. The fishy stamp is Fred Mullett, the flourish is Quietfire Design Flourishes. The One Inch charm can be found here and the brads are here!