
Monday, December 31, 2007

Tuesday Created byhand Sprays & Spritzes Challenge

Here is my contribution to this week's Challenge! Unfortunately you can't see the "glitz" from the Iridescent Medium in the scan! Here are the supplies I used to make it:

For Complete instructions, please visit the Project Page on my website! Happy creating!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tuesday Created byhand Tyvek Challenge

At last! Here is my Tyvek challenge. Don't ask why it took so long....
For this 4x4, I wet a piece of Tyvek with water, then dropped Magic Color Acrylic Ink (Golden Sand, Earth Brown and Magenta) onto the surface and moved it around with a brush. You can blot some of it up with a paper towel and add more if you don't like it. I let it dry and added some more colour as there wasn't enough "drama" in the background and the fibers in the tyvek weren't showing.

I stamped a wing onto Tyvek with StazOn Ink, coloured the wing with Tattered Rose Stamp pad and allowed it to dry. I held the wing with tweezers and used my Heat Gun to melt the wing slightly till it curled. The angel can be found in my December 2007 byhand Newsletter as a free collage image.

I stamped the Flourish (smaller) onto the Tyvek with Brilliance Coffee Bean as a base for the collage image and stamped more Flourishes as a border using Brilliance Cosmic Copper.

The collage image and wing are glued to the background Tyvek with Aleene's Tacky Glue and the piece is double-sided taped onto a Black Cardstock 4x4 card. Three star brads were added.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Birthday Card Creation

Well, I hope she's not peeking, because I don't think the card has arrived yet.... But it's been sitting here on my hard drive and if I don't post it, I'll forget about it! Just like Pooh Bear, I'm an artist of very little brain!

This was very hard to photograph. It's using the same technique as in the Foiled Christmas Tree Project on my website, with double sided tape, transfer foil and Jones Tones Plexi Glue (go to the Project to get all the links and instructions). The lettering was done with an EF66 nib and Schmincke Tro-Col Rich Gold Gouache.

I sure hope she likes it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Difficult Job

Well, this shouldn't have been difficult..... But it was epic. I just couldn't find anything that I needed to make this album. Nothing was at my fingertips and I didn't have a clue where other things were. The poor client must think I'm an idiot! Before I moved, this would have taken me a couple of days. It took me a couple of months....

I am pleased with the results, I hope she is!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday Created byhand Alphabet Stamp Challenge

Well, I tried to do something "fresh" for this challenge! But I'm still having a lot of trouble finding all my supplies. Things that I used to be able to put my fingers on without looking, I can't find!!
For this card, I stamped on glossy cardstock using Brilliance Gold ink and the Dotted Harlequin background. Once that was dry, I smeared (ahem, Direct-to-Paper application) Memories Sand ink over the background stamp. I wiped away any excess ink with a kleenex. When that was dry, I inked up the Italic Letters with the Brilliance Coffee Bean pad and stamped the letters. (I also used Brilliance Coffee Bean for the clock face - Magenta) The final addition was the Alphabet Brads and Earthy Square buttons. The brad prongs with a little stretching will go through the holes in the buttons and through the cardstock. Cool, eh?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Just an Idea

I actually did this last year and just came on it again. I thought it might provide some amusement....

I cut the tree out of green cardstock and intermittantly scattered Eyelet Washers. I think I used the souffle pens to colour inside the washer. Then I filled the washer with 3D Crystal Lacquer (which holds the washer in place, too) creating a shiny filled Christmas "decoration" on the tree.

Just something else to fill your time with!!

Happy Holidays, Suzanne

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tuesday Created byhand Collage Image Challenge

Well, I've got lots of collage images so I shouldn't have had too much trouble with this!

I used a test background from the nine ladies dancing using alcohol inks and the Dotted Harlequin Background, plus the little girl from the Winged Things collage sheet. I added the ghost wings, a clipiola halo, a star brad and a aluminum sticker coloured with alcohol inks. I needed a cloud and oh, look! I actually found some wool roving I had for felting. I can't find a million other things I need to create since we moved, but hey, I can find that roving....

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree....

The 12 Days of Christmas Fat Book Swap by the byhandartists drove me crazy as I was working on it. The carol was going non-stop on my mental turntable whenever I looked at it! Boy, am I glad that's done! I guess you can guess which day I did....

This artwork is also my contribution to the Tuesday Created byhand Challenge! which is Burgundy and Vintage browns. Ahem, nothing like sneaking it in just before the new one is due! I used alcohol inks, mostly Cranberry and Butterscotch, but a bit of Red Pepper and Violet or Purple (can't recall at the moment). You can't go wrong with Alcohol Inks!