
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Created Byhand Challenge

A huge thanks to Kelly Burton for setting up a challenge site for me!

On Tuesdays we will post the challenge of the week using a Quietfire byhand Product! Make sure you join us!

All the information can be found here:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wings Challenge

Well, who can resist wings? I haven't grown out of them yet! This guy is from the collage images, Suzanne's Favourites.

Yay, Kelly for starting a weekly theme challenge. Can we do wings every week? vbg, Suzanne

Friday, October 26, 2007

An exciting time!

I'm really excited!

Quietfire Design has a Design Team! If you haven't met them already, I'd like you to meet Deborah, Monica, Wanda and Kelly.
They are very busy creating away, making wonderful things for you to see and make with Quietfire Design products.
We have a very small Yahoo group, so we're always in contact and can bounce ideas around. I get tired just "listening" to them! They have great ideas and are very diverse in styles. And, they're doing a wonderful job exciting me about being creative.

If you haven't visited the webpage yet, you can see them all here and see their galleries. There will be lots more to come!

Thanks so much ladies, for making this such a fun experience!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The New Workshop

Over the weekend I was teaching in Victoria and on Sunday, it was the new workshop, Caught in Canvas.
After teaching years of altered books, I picked up a canvas one day and turned it over and my brain, which is always looking for the fast effective way of doing things (!) screamed "here is a premade niche!!!!". So the book was created and very appropriately named by Monica, from the Quietfire Design Team.

For the workshop, we use a 6" square canvas, held together with leather straps using a split strap binding. Add a bit of paint, collage, 3D elements and hardware et voila!

Here is the outside of the book, opened. It stands up really nicely! And here is the inside front...

The niche doesn't show up well, but there is a Prayer Box hanging and a bottle filled with watch bits near the bottom. On the right, I used a stencil, put Duo Embellishing Adhesive on it, then used Varigated Leaf in blues and gold. I'm going to have to do more of that!