
Monday, August 27, 2007

Vickie Enkoff

I was heartbroken last week to hear of the passing of Vickie Enkoff. I never had the pleasure of meeting her in person, but I did meet her lovely and talented daughters in Vancouver several years ago.

Vickie was, without doubt, a wonderful person. She encouraged many of us in so many ways. Although she suffered from debilitating illnesses, you would not have known that unless she told you. Vickie accomplished so much and interacted with so many other artists in the online communities, you never knew where she would pop up!

It was Vickie who pressed my rubber stamp line for years (okay, Jennifer, it was probably you doing the physical work! Thanks!) and really encouraged me to continue. It was Vickie who placed the first order when I set up my PayPal shopping cart and needed someone to test drive it.

I will miss hearing her "voice" online. We've lost one of this world's lovely people.

It was my honour to have been able to know her.

Advertising Challenge

I just don't come equiped for this kind of challenge! I am self-taught in Photoshop and Coreldraw - 'cause there just isn't any courses available to me. So it struck fear into my heart when I had to make up a 4 colour ad for a magazine! Not only is it a design challenge, it's a technical challenge, too. By 2 a.m. last night, I had it done and was sure that it would be no good and I'd have to go back to the drawing board (technically, that is). I was so relieved to hear my 10mb file made it to its destination and looks okay for print! It'll be a few months before we know for sure, but you can preview it here. Let's hope lots of people see it and come visit my website! And maybe even place an order..... Smiles, Suzanne

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Quietfire Design's new home....

Yes, we're really moving - in 4 weeks we take possession of this BIG, beautiful home in a fabulous neighbourhood in Courtenay BC! I can hardly wait! I can't believe we're going to own this beauty. I keep having to pinch myself!
There is loads of room for the family and the business..... at least there should be loads of room! On a clear day we can see the mainland mountains.
They call this a rancher.... um, but it has 2 floors...